HVAC Rebate Options

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Utah’s Premier HVAC Rebate Center

Count on Alta Air’s experience as Utah’s premier HVAC rebate center. The team at Alta Air can apply rebates to the initial cost of your HVAC system, allowing for a lower cost from the get-go. No more waiting weeks or months for rebates.

The average customer can save about 30% on the final cost of a new HVAC installation with these rebates, all while still qualifying for our many financing options. Call Alta Air for your free second opinion and assistance with rebates today!

Price Comparison

When you work with Alta Air to apply rebates, you can expect major savings on your investment in a new HVAC system. With instant utility rebates, instant Alta Air rebates and tax credits, option #2 in the table below will result in a 10% savings on the system and installation cost.

Option #1: Standard AC System & Installation Option #2: High-Efficiency Dual Fuel System (With Rebates Applied)
1.5 ton, 13.4 Seer2 Air Conditioner $4376 1.5 ton, 18 seer2 Heat Pump Air Conditioner $6924
Standard Efficiency Gas Furnace $4227 High Efficiency Furnace $6165
Matching Evaporator Coil $1098 Matching Evaporator Coil $1098
Total $9701 with 10 year warranty Total $8737 with up to 30 year warranty

Choosing the high efficiency option can also save an estimated 20% or more on electricity during the peak cooling season.